Tips & Tricks

Hate to burnish nuggets? Here's an easier way to do it.

Wrap several nuggets in foil, put them in a small margarine container and shake. In about 30 seconds you can burnish a lot of nuggets!

Too much solder? Hold your iron on the solder line to melt, and gently pull away. Excess solder should come with your iron - gently flick extra solder onto your project board.

Trouble cutting? Put oil directly onto the glass you're cutting and try again.

For long straight cuts, try breaking the glass off of the edge of a table instead of using runners.

When using your grosers, remember to use the straight side up when seperating a cut and the curved side up when cleaning burs off the edge of a piece of glass.

If you're having trouble soldering, your soldering iron might not be hot enough. If indeed your iron is set hot enough, the problem could be that it isn't maintaining the correct heat. Try using a soldering iron with a ceremic heat element (which can be found in our shop).